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Black Friday: Discounts on Clothing and Footwear

If you want to take advantage of deep discounts on clothing and footwear garments can be a good idea to wait until Black Friday, a special day that offers the possibility to conclude the purchase of at greatly reduced prices.

Black Friday is an extremely felt in the US event, the country where she was born, found this interesting commercial. Essentially, Black Friday is a unique day in the whole year, in which the brands operating in the supermarket industry offering discounts really rock bottom, in very exceptional cases.

The history of Black Friday in the US has very ancient origins: it is in 1924, that there was the first similar event, organized by the famous Macy’s brand as a kind of celebration of the beginning of Christmas shopping. It is primarily between the seventies and the eighties, that the Black Friday begins to consolidate, to become a true American institution: many brands and shopping centre, choose to join the initiative by proposing the increasing discounts greedy, to the point of becoming a true Black Friday the day of ” mobilization ” for millions of consumers.

It is now customary, on this day, forming queues in front of the shopping centers, as well as traffic and public order problems caused by such a massive influx of people. Inevitably, there are also many episodes of the news related to the event, or fights, special police operations and police, not to mention some aspects quite funny, such as the many people who actually choose to spend the night in lot sleeping just to be among the first to cross the entrance of the store.

When you consider the size of the discounts offered on this day, both in the purchase of shoes and clothing that different kind of items, you can well understand why this day is considered for this special point : in the great majority of cases, the price minorazioni exceed 50%, by touching on many occasions of discounts equal to 70%.

But when it is the Back Friday?

This much-awaited event falls between 23 and 29 November, the last Friday of this month.

This date is particularly significant in the United States, being the day immediately following one of the most important events in the US, or Thanksgiving Day, also known simply as Thanksgiving Day.

In short, it’s really obvious how to buy footwear and clothing at the Black Friday can be beneficial to the consumer; It must be able to grasp the opportunity and concentrate their purchases solely on this day.

It is to be noted, moreover, that very many important brands operating in the way of fashion, and clothing have chosen to propose an interesting Black Friday also regarding online purchases, then through their own e-commerce. It is this one of the main innovations that are covering Black Friday: Offers, whether they are related to clothing or entirely different product categories, also apply to those who buy online, and many consumers are turning to this form particularly practical purchase.

The extent of the discounts is the same, the major difference since, in this way, you can avoid the long lines and the inevitable discomforts typical of an extremely busy day like this. The fact that Black Friday is moving increasingly toward online purchases is coinciding with its widespread even outside the United States.

There are many e-commerce apparel offering special discounts on the occasion of Black Friday, and also in our country, you can make purchases at prices greatly reduced on this day month of November. Typical discounts of Black Friday are generally much higher than those of the classic balances dedicated to footwear and the apparel products, one more reason, this, not to miss this opportunity.

It is obvious, of course, which unlike traditional balances the consumer must be timely, and must carry out its purchases exclusively in the ” hot ” Black Friday the day; for those who buy online, of course, this problem is almost nil, and we must simply remember that date. In addition to all the aspects mentioned, buying online can be a good solution in light of the favorable opportunity to return and shipping, with very low-cost or even zero.

From this point of view, of course, each brand follows its own policy, so it is a good suggestion for the consumer to contact the e-commerce of interest before concluding its purchase.